Friday, May 18, 2018


I had this little idea this morning... Remember a few years ago, in the news there was a story about someone leaving $100.00 bills in public places for others to find? Well, I can’t afford to do that, but I have tons of jewelry making supplies. I had these two little bracelets I made this past week, and after this idea hit, I was just busting at the seams to maybe spread a little love today. So I left the green one on a chair in the waiting room at McBride Orthopedic Hospital in Oklahoma City. I prayed to find someone who may be having a tough time to give the pink one to on the way back to my car. I walked around a bit, but no one struck me as looking down and out. I circled back around and spied a Hispanic-looking woman in a chair. She - well, I couldn’t say that she looked too much like she needed something today, but maybe a little. I held my hand out to her and dropped the bracelet into her hand. I said, “For you.” She looked confused (wouldn’t you be?), but said thank you. I’m not sure what she thought, but it’s doing me a world of good...  When I get home, I’ll make some tags to attach to future leave-behinds. This feels good and will probably do me more good than any of my future recipients. But you just never know...