Well, I have been quite negligent of my blog. I guess I have just kept so busy- too many irons in the fire! Jewelry, scrap booking, doctor's appointments and medical tests and procedures, poking around in the dirt when weather permits- just life, I guess. Of course, there isn't a whole lot going on in the yard now. But there are signs of an early Spring, if you look. Daffies are poking up, we even have 2 in bloom in a protected area by the front porch. I have several other bulbs poking above the soil line. I have been paying some visits to the Myriad Botanical Gardens (the Crystal Bridge)- http://www.myriadgardens.org/ for picture taking. I will be going again this coming week with some ladies from the Oklahoma Photography Club. I would love to join the club, but I don't do well anymore with going out in the evenings. Anyway, last month I won an Honorable mention and a Second Place in a photography contest. It is held every year by the Tulsa Garden Society. There were several different divisions, and a total of 400 entries. I submitted 6, and 2 out of 6 received recognition. I feel really pleased with that! I have posted the Second Place entry. The other one, I can't find anywhere! I know it's tucked away in a file someplace. Aha! Found it. It's the one on the bottom.

Since there is not much to photograph outside at the moment, I will include a few of the one taken at the Gardens. More coming later, after I have time to go through more photos.
2/21/2013, 6:25 am. It is sleeting outside. Don't think we will be going anywhere today. YEA! Another day to just stay home. That's a good deal for me.